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Found 49654 results for any of the keywords ieee members. Time 0.008 seconds.
IEEE SpectrumThe latest technology news and analysis from the world s leading engineering magazine
Where Will You Make Your Impact? - IEEE Foundation, Inc.As the philanthropic partner of IEEE, the IEEE Foundation (an IRS-recognized 501(c)3 organization) translates the values of IEEE members and donors, like you, into social impact. Through your support, we deliver opportun
IEEE Member and Geographic Activities | MGA Operations ManualIEEE Member Geographic Activities (MGA) is focused on supporting IEEE members, recruitment, retention. Find volunteer, board, staff resources events.
IEEE - IEEE at a GlanceAn overview of where IEEE stands today. This page highlights IEEE quick facts and its key offerings in areas of membership, publications, standards, societies, education and other entities.
IEEE - The world's largest technical professional organization dedicatIEEE is the world s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.
IEEE - IEEE Contact SupportThe IEEE Contact Center provides IEEE contact information for members and non-members.
IEEE - IEEE Member-Get-a-Member (MGM) ProgramLearn about the IEEE Member-Get-a-Member (MGM) program.
CatalogDiscover IEEE's newest publications as well as hand-selected products, often covering the latest technology areas.
IEEE - Organization of IEEEIEEE has a dual complementary regional and technical structure - with organizational units based on geography and technical focus.
IEEE - About IEEELearn about IEEE corporate identity and strategy, governance structure, awards and recognitions programs. Access links to IEEE jobs and employee benefits.
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